Rewriting my blog with Next.js

At long last!

I have finally managed to complete my personal website, after delaying it so much. Previously, I have had tried to create it with HUGO, a Go based static site generator, and Jekyll. However, they... How to say... They were always missing something for me.

I have been doing web development since the Summer of 2016. While I have had started with Laravel PHP, later on it switched to ReactJS and have been using it ever since. It grew on me so much and have been using it to such an extend that I have evolved into a Front-End Engineer. But with the resurection of SSR, sort-of, things have started to shift again, and now is as good a time as any to try out Next.js.

And thus, I have started my personal site project with Next.js, but not without a twist! I mean after all, I couldn't just have a plain old blog site with fancy visiuals, no, I am not a designer unfortunately. I need a site that would allow me to display my projects as well. While contemplating about how to get on with it, I found out about, essentially a boiler plate for Next.js projects.

It does indeed feel like shooting a fly with a rocket launcher. It has too much! But that is only if I stop at a simple blog site and never expand upon it. Besides, I have long yearned for a fully fledged framework that I can use instead of Laravel. PHP is outside of my comfort zone sadly, while I have no problems with it, I have been rusty, and I need some alternatives.

We shall see how things turn out.